Dec 13, 2015

short getaway

I just came back from a short getaway with family
Abah, Umi, my brothers, my baby and me.

My hubs need to settle things for work so he didn't came along 

Our first stop was Anjung Selera Pak Hamid at Ayer Keroh, Melaka.
For me the dishes were just average but the price homaigoddd..better not come back here..huhu 

My favourite chicken soup at Air Tawar 4, Johor Lama.
This was our dinner by the way.

Then for a bed to spend the night, abah drove us to Bob's Village

I really love this peaceful 

We stop by the Muzium Johor Lama.
The castle was bombed by the Portugese army.
It is built facing the sea at the highest peak of a hill for surveillance from enemies.

Our seafood brunch
These consists of 3 types of clams (which I really didn't know their names), belangkas (king crab) and ikan pari masak asam pedas (stingray cooked with spicy gravy)

The delicacy I was holding is called pepes.
A Sunda appetizer..really yumsss

 What no pearls here?

Then we continue our journey to opah's house in Jengka.
Opah haven't  met her great-granchildren yet.

I forgot to snap ikan patin masak tempoyak and udang galah masak lemak.

But I have learnt the masak lemak-Perak style.
Very easy..I try it later.
Now I'm going to start to work.
Please pray everything will be okay.

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