Dec 2, 2019

Confinement menu for me

 Salam alaykum and good afternoon readers
Bssically this is my menu for now
I'm enjoying it
Rice and roasted children
Ulam cekur mengkudu and mahkota dewa leaves

This is today's meal
Fish soup
Cekur and mahkota dewa leaves and a bit of sambal

I love clean diet
My body felt lighter and healtier

Ok I'll write again soon
Thanks you for reading

Nov 30, 2019

Berpantang anak ke 4

Salam semua..apa khabar pembaca
Alhamdulillah selamat melahirkan putera keempat
Baby boy
Setelah 3 perempuan

Sekarang hari ke 9
Baby baik menangis tu biasa..hehee
Malam tidur ok
Hanya bangun untuk susu dan tukar pampers

Dan sekarang berpantang di Penang
Awal pagi suami akan hantar 2 dan 3 ke pengasuh
Jadi boleh rehat lebih sikit

Sepanjang bersalin memang lenguh dan sakit badan yang teramat
Bila bagitau makcik mengurut
Yelaa ..awak beranak rapat
Lutut kalau lepas duduk bersila nak bangun memang sakit
Bahu lenguh
Dan jari lepas bangun tidur kebas
Tapi Alhamdulillah
Confinement lady baik sgt
Boleh contact fb Doktor Bidan

Setakat ini dahulu nanti saya sambung lagi

Nov 9, 2019

Innisfree green tea facial set

Salam semua
Harini nak cerita pasal set Innisfree green tea range
Kenapa saya terpaut hati nak guna sebab muka masa ni kering sangat
Masa ni baru lepas bersalin anak kedua
Muka memang kering
Kalau duduk lama dalam aircond memang kering
Pukul 3 je mesti dah rasa macam muka kering sebab panas kann time tu
Tak selesa

Inilah setnya
Setelah mengkaji dari segi fungsi dan harga
Di igshop mirakbeauty
Jadi setuju la untuk dapatkan
Cuma perlu bersabar ya
Sebab produk dari Korea
Ambil masa skit
Part yang saya suka sebab dia dalam hard box
So rasa macam dapat hadiah kan..hee

Saya pakai hampir setahun
Ada perubahan pada muka
Semakin baik..muka tak kering macam sebelun ni
Tapi masa ni belum guna sunscreen
Just skincare ni saja
So sad

1)Green tea cleansing foam 100ml
Tak banyak buih
Tiada bau bahan kimia..bau green
Lepas pakai rasa fresh

2)Green tea balancing skin 200ml
Mudah diserap oleh kulit
Tiada bau bahan kimia
Tapi sayang botol dia pecah terjatuh dalam tandas..huu

3)Green tea balancing lotion 160ml
Mudah diserap
Bau green tea nice gituu

4 ,5)Green tea balancing skin and balancing lotion 15 ml
Travel pack

Harga rm100

Setelah 3 bulan pakai produk ni
Kulit semakin lembap
Cuma kadang terlupa pakai toner dan moisturiser
Kalau lebih konsisten pakai mungkin hasil lebih baik.

P/s:ini adalah honest review

P/s:maybe it works for me, but not for you
Skincare is a journey

Thanks for reading.

Oct 29, 2019

Pregnancy..the 4th child

How are you my dear readers
I hope all is well
Im now in the third stage of pregnancy
With the fourth child
Please pray for me and baby

Preparation for the hospital is 95% done
Just little things to look for
I had just gone to check up today
All is ok

I pray all my readers to be alright
Its raining in the evening nowadays
The kids sometime gets bored
So need to find activities for them

Thanks for reading

Oct 3, 2019

Malam yang bermakna

Petang semalam hujan lebat yang amat
Jadi suamiku akan pulang awal untuk basuh cadar (hujan kann..hee)

Jadi kami terus mengerah anak anak supaya mandi sebelum maghrib
Selepas maghrib nak tadarus quran pula
Aisyah baca iqra dulu dengan walid dia
Pastu aufa pon tak nak kalah
Nak baca iqra dengan pelat dia
Tak boleh tahan gelak tengok gelagat anak

Pastu 3 3 orang puteri berebut nak duduk
Di ribaan walid
Pastu kami makan
Alhamdulillah untuk nikmat ini
Kesihatan keamanan keselamatan

Semoga warga pembaca juga bahagia yaa

Oct 1, 2019

Our pet cat

Say hello to our new pet
Her name is Jackie
I love the black coat
She also has two cute kitten
They're always hiding
Its been a month since the day
We took care of these cats
Feel free to share any suggestion or sharing about living with pet

Till next time

Aug 2, 2019


Just need some words of wisdom
Many things in my head lately
How are u guys?
I hope all is okay

Jul 27, 2019

Saturday at library

Hi how are you
Its 9.38 pm in Malaysia
Its just the 3 of us
Mr hubs n aisyah went to Shah Alam
For a course

So I decided for a trip to the library
And it was a fulfilling day for me

Look at those hands..wanna bite
I signed up for the family membership
Just Rm 5/year
And add Rm 2/year for kids activities

I always reminisced my childhood memories
My parents would brought us to this very same library
And we would read books together
I would pick fairytales
And my brothers surely pick books on cars
Or transport

It was a good improvement now
That they also provide toys and games for kids or users with membership.

Definitely I will come again next time
This will be our monthly place to visit.

Thank you Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Pulau Pinang

Jul 6, 2019

After so long

A very good day to all of you
After so long
here I am
How i missed blogging so much
But have to juggle between life as mom
But it's okayy
I love it

This is just a quick update
On my current life
We are in Kedah
I likee
Now looking for a job
And full time momma
Wish me the best

Three little girls now